On October 30th, at an extraordinary general meeting, ArchEnerg International Renewable Energy and Construction Cluster and Sárrét Metál Cluster made a monumental decision in the history of the cluster: they merged. This fusion has created a new, even stronger cluster, the Archenerg United International Cluster for Innovation in Renewable Energy, Machinery, and Construction that will play a significant role in both the renewable energy and the metal industry.

With the merger, ArchEnerg's scope of activities has expanded significantly. Sárrét Metál Cluster, which plays a prominent role in the metal industry, particularly in the production of automotive components, has joined forces. The combination of the strengths of the two clusters opens up new opportunities for member companies, as joint efforts will make it easier for them to compete on the international market.

The cluster's primary export services include the manufacture of metal structures and metalworking. The main export products are aluminum castings for the automotive industry, metal structures, as well as automotive components, chassis for road construction machinery, and machined parts for agricultural machinery. Most of the cluster's foreign orders come from Germany. Three-quarters of the member companies' export performance is realized in the German markets.

With this, ArchEnerg Cluster has expanded its portfolio with a metal industry section. The metal industry section has started with a truly serious member, as Sárrét Metál Cluster operates in the metal industry, an area that is currently a driving sector in the European Union, and a large number of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises operate in this industry, just as smaller companies are in the majority in the Sárrét Metál Cluster compared to large companies.

Sárrét Metál's managing director, László Fenyvesi, said: "This merger marks the beginning of a new era for us. By combining the strengths of the two clusters, we are creating a synergy that will allow us to serve our members and the entire region even more effectively."

Key decisions were made at the general meeting, including those related to the new cluster classification system. We had already foreshadowed the importance of this in our article at the beginning of the year. Thanks to the close cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, participants of the general meeting were able to get the latest information. According to the 2023-2030 Cluster Development Strategy, members of certified clusters can gain a significant advantage in tenders. The issue of future tendering opportunities was also raised at the general meeting, which will be discussed further in the future.

Thanks to the merger, cluster members can access each other's knowledge base, experiences, and work together on new projects. Furthermore, since both clusters are members of the approximately 27 certified clusters in Hungary, they are laying a stronger foundation for the common goal of creating a more sustainable future in which renewable energy and industry work together effectively.

Thanks to the successful merger, the number of cluster members has exceeded 100, and as a member of the Accredited Innovation Cluster Network, members have access to numerous advantageous opportunities. The development of the classification system will further strengthen the cluster's position.

With the merger, not only the member companies but also the entire region can benefit. The strengthening of the cluster can contribute to the economic development of the region, the creation of new jobs, and the increase of competitiveness.