Built4People (B4P) is a collaborative effort under the EU's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program, bringing together the European Commission, the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), and the World Green Building Council. The Archenerg Cluster joined this initiative through the NEBULA program, and was represented by Patrik Nagy in Luxembourg.

The forum, serving as the opening event of the Research and Innovation Week, was held in conjunction with the Sustainable Places 2024 event. Dirk Fransaer, CEO of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and Massimo Garribba, Deputy Director-General of DG ENER at the European Commission, inaugurated the event. Following the success of last year's event, which attracted approximately 110 participants, this year's forum was equally well-attended.

A cornerstone of the forum was the signing ceremony for the Built4People (B4P) Charter for Innovation Clusters. The B4PIC Charter represents an agreement and commitment by Innovation Clusters (ICs) to collaborate and form a network to fundamentally support the goals and expected impacts of the Built4People (B4P) Partnership, as outlined in the commitment signed by the European Commission, ECTP, and WorldGBC (on behalf of the Union), while leveraging the opportunities of the New European Bauhaus (NEB).

Patrik Nagy, representing the Archenerg Cluster, was interviewed about the signing of the Built4People (B4P) Charter for Innovation Clusters and his experiences. He expressed the great honor of representing the Archenerg Cluster at the forum. He highlighted the significance of holding the meeting in person for the first time since the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of such communities for the future of sustainability. Also expressed his pleasure at meeting Dr. Károly Matolcsy, a certified architect and international scientific chief officer at the ÉMI Nonprofit Kft., and strengthening their relationship and cooperation.

We also learned from Patrik Nagy that participants came from various European countries, including Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Finland, and Greece. However, Hungary was solely represented by the Archenerg Cluster.

The Archenerg Cluster joined the signatories through the NEBULA project. Co-funded by the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation program, the NEBULA project actively contributes to the B4P Partnership. Its primary objective is to activate and support the network of B4P Innovation Clusters (B4PICs) and provide a package of support activities to these Innovation Clusters.

The goal of the NEBULA project is to integrate, scale, and showcase innovations across Europe through a network of national or regional ICs to maximize the impact on transforming the highly fragmented construction and built environment sectors.

The B4PIC Charter aims to boost the active involvement of B4PICs within the B4PIC network to accelerate human-centric innovation in the built environment, fostering the transition towards a sustainable society and economy. The Charter commits all B4PICs to collaborate within the B4PIC network to achieve the B4P goals, respecting the NEB framework and increasing their maturity level based on the B4P success factors.