Record Temperatures and Urban Heat Island Effect:

Temperatures in Szeged have broken records in the past year, with the downtown area recording an average temperature of 15.2°C, which is equivalent to the levels of Rome, Marseille, or Thessaloniki. In contrast, the 14.4°C recorded in the outskirts is also alarmingly high, indicating the worsening of climate change.

The Department of Climatology and Geography at the University of Szeged (SZTE) plays a significant role in researching climate change, particularly its urban impacts. This work is carried out by SZTE researchers in collaboration with numerous national and extensive international partnerships, including the unit's head, Dr. Tamás Gál, who is a member of several important climate-related bodies.

Thanks to the collaboration between the Department of Climatology and Geography and HungaroMet Zrt., measurements have been taken not only in the outskirts but also in the downtown area of Szeged since 1998. Based on the measurements taken on the roof and in the courtyard of the SZTE Egyetem utcai building, the combined effects of climate change and urban climate can be examined.

"According to the Szeged measurements, the average temperature in the outskirts for the past year (July 2023 - June 2024) was 14.4°C, which significantly exceeds the average for the 1981-2010 period of 11.5°C (Figure 2). In the downtown area, due to urban effects, nights are generally warmer and minimum temperatures are higher, so the average temperature there for the past year was 15.2°C. This latter value corresponds to the average temperature of cities such as Rome, Marseille, or Thessaloniki," said Dr. Tamás Gál, lecturer at the SZTE FFI.

The values measured in the outskirts also rose significantly, indicating the direct impact of climate change. The urban climate-modifying effect further exacerbates the effects of climate change in cities, as is well illustrated by the significant difference between the data measured in Szeged's downtown and outskirts.


The higher temperatures measured in the downtown area are due to the urban heat island effect, which is caused by dense construction, less green space, and increased asphalt cover. This phenomenon further exacerbates the effects of climate change, making cities hotter, drier, and less livable.

Archenerg Cluster's Comprehensive Strategy:

The Archenerg Cluster is fighting climate change with a comprehensive strategy. Through the collaboration of cluster members, researchers, civil society organizations, and companies, they are working on, among other things:

  • Promoting renewable energy sources: Encouraging the use of solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

  • Increasing energy efficiency: Energetically renovating buildings and developing more efficient transportation systems.

  • Expanding green spaces: Creating parks, forests, and green roofs to reduce urban temperatures.

  • Sustainable transportation: Developing public transportation and promoting cycling and walking.

  • Raising awareness: Organizing information campaigns about the dangers of climate change and possible solutions.

The Archenerg Cluster is committed to making Szeged a greener and more sustainable city. Cluster members believe that by working together, we can overcome the challenges of climate change and create a more livable future for future generations.