The 5th GreenTech Zalaegerszeg Green Energy and Sustainability Trade Show and Conference will be held on May 23-24. The conference will address questions such as whether sustainable development exists, what the green transition means, and how artificial intelligence affects our lives.

The first GreenTech was organized during the Covid pandemic in 2020, and the high number of participants and supporters already made it clear at that time that the event fills a gap and there is a need for similar events, as it touches on topics that need to be addressed now. The ArchEnerg Cluster has been committed to the conference's themes from the very beginning, especially in the context of the ICBUILD project - Increasing the internationalization of the circular economy with a focus on its implementation in the built environment. We have written about this

According to the program, the participants will be welcomed by city leaders, Csaba Lantos, Minister of Energy, Márton Nagy, Minister of National Economy, and István Lepsényi, President of the Hungarian Hydrogen Technology Association.

The conference offers a number of interesting topics for those interested, such as green energy, circular economy, sustainability, electromobility and waste management. These are burning issues that we need to address, and the ArchEnerg Cluster is convinced that events like this can help to promote cooperation between institutions, which is essential in the current situation when common thinking is needed.

On the first day of the conference, we will look for answers to the question of whether there is sustainable development and what the future holds for us. In the rest of the day, the participants will learn about the production and storage of green energy. On the second day of the green conference, experts will examine the effects of artificial intelligence on our lives, and then the topic of the circular economy will be discussed, focusing on secondary raw materials and waste management.

The presentations and panel discussions can be viewed later on the GreenTech website.

The detailed program of the 5th Green Tech Zalaegerszeg is available here