Achieving the ambitious 2030/2050 climate objectives will require a steep acceleration of energy efficiency investments. Innovative financing solutions that lift investment barriers are needed. While some solutions have been tried and tested abroad, they need further tailoring to the Belgian context and require targeted mainstreaming efforts to achieve their full potential. To do so effectively and efficiently is a major challenge. LIFE BE FREE rises to the challenge! It will bring about a multi-actor roundtable where stakeholders from the quadruple helix systematically identify key financing challenges and address them one by one.

In particular LIFE BE FREE will:

• Set up a permanent multilateral roundtable initiative for Belgium involving a wide range of Belgian public and private stakeholders and liaising with similar roundtables abroad;

• Organise agenda setting, outline roadmaps and design annual action plans focused on addressing financing challenges;

• Mobilise private finance investments by supporting coalitions that will analyse, experiment and upscale financing solutions new to Belgium tackling these challenges. This covers piloting 3 to 5 experiments per year, representing ca. 10-25 mio € per experiment.

• Communicate the lessons learnt to a wide range of stakeholders (which should leverage above-mentioned investments by a factor 10);

• Inform Belgium’s governments on relevant financing solutions to support their ambitious climate objectives (policy input, at least twice a year).


Eu funding and tender portal: here

Project Partners:


Az Európai Unió társfinanszírozásával. A kifejtett nézetek és vélemények azonban kizárólag a szerző(k) nézetei és véleményei, és nem feltétlenül tükrözik az Európai Unió nézeteit és véleményét. Ezekért sem az Európai Unió, sem a támogatást nyújtó hatóság nem tehető felelőssé.

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